Thursday, September 3, 2009

Meeting Baby Lilia

M finally became a big cousin this week. Jennifer, Aaron's twin sister, had her little girl on Monday. M was waiting anxiously for 2 days since the hospital didn't allow children in the labor OR mother/baby areas. So, finally, today he got to meet baby Lilia. He was very excited and wanted to hold her right away. He watched as she slept and stated several times to "wake up". When she was finally awake, he waited patiently on the couch to hold her. When we "handed" her to him, he immediately leaned in for a big kiss. It was incredibly sweet. He was very gentle and loving and you could see the joy in his face. He held her another time too. He was having a hard time understanding why she sleeps so much and why she couldn't do certain things (like hold the balloons he brought over to her). All in all he seemed to really enjoy having a baby around and being the "big" kid. I asked him if he would like to be a big brother and have a baby that lives with us and he gave a big yes. I asked if he would want a boy or girl... he said boy, sorry Lilia, I am sure it is nothing personal. :)

Oh, and for the record... he did NOT bite the baby! :)

Pictures will be posted soon.