Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Weaning happens
It is easy to joke right now. I am in a very positive mood about this at the moment. But in all reality, it is a very special and sad time. I remember the first time I witnessed a 2.5 year old nursing. It was at my first La Leche League meeting when M was 3 months old. I was flabbergasted!! I couldn't IMAGINE nursing a child that age. I never had the intention to... it just happened. It isn't his age that makes me ready to move on even now. It is just time. Every nursing couple has a time when it is just right to bring it to an end. I didn't set out to nurse for 2.5 years, but I wouldn't change it at all! Nothing in all of this world and all of this glorious life has seemed more right or more natural or even more rewarding than nursing my son until he was ready to be done. I know there are so many that will never "get it" and that is quite all right.
So, anyways, I was feeling very sad about this the other night and I wrote something that I will share here. I am happy that he still seems to be nursing before his nap. I don't think that will last long though since I am only at home with him during a nap about 2 days a week. So, in the next few weeks, our nursing will likely end completely, we will find another way to love and bond, and I will rest for a bit. And I am sure I will think fondly of the next chance I will have to nurse a child of mine.
I am sitting here in tears because this is the first night that my 29 month old son went to bed without asking to nurse. We have been nursing on demand and have had a wonderful nursing relationship. We had a lot of problems in the beginning, but ended up with a really rewarding experience.
Recently, I have felt ready to move on and wean, but it is still bittersweet. It is heart breaking to not have him at the breast and snuggling with me at night. He is such an amazing and independent little boy.
As much as I think I am ready to wean him, during moments like this I feel like I am not even close. What I am starting to realize is that it is not about me at all. This is a gift I have chosen to give my son, the gift of me. It is about him and what he needs and my role is to meet those needs in as loving a way as I can.
So, these are tears of sadness, for losing my baby, but tears of joy for finding the young man he is becoming.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Catching up...
We are moved into the new house and are starting to really feel settled. The weekend we moved, Maddox stayed with Grandma (Debbie as he calls her). He came to visit the old house during the move and seemed a bit bothered about his room being empty. He kept signing all gone and pointing to his closet. We tried to reassure him that all his stuff would be at the new house, but he still seemed concerned.
When he came to the new house finally, it took a few days to get used to it, but he seems comfortable now. One bad sign of how busy we have been... when we left the new house one day to run errands, Maddox started saying, "Eat eat eat?!!". He was convinced that since we were leaving our house, we must be going to eat. Obviously, we had to eat out a LOT when we were going through the move. Now that we are settled and are eating at home again, he seems to be going through withdrawal... yesterday he kept telling us "Eat, bye-bye". Apparently he wanted to go out to eat!
Halloween was a lot of fun. We went around to some homes in the new neighborhood with the little girl next door. She is almost 3 and super sweet. They went up to one house together, alone once we told Maddox that he would get to ring the doorbell. He rang it and ran! 2 and a half and already pranking people. Maddox dressed as Peyton Manning and we used his helmet to gather his candy... now he seems convinced that the Colts will give him candy. He signs candy every time he seems them.
Maddox seems to have picked up a new form of affection during the move... I personally think it is the long weekend with Pretty Baby (mom's dog) that did it... he now likes to lick everything! He licks us, our clothes, the couch... the floor!! It is gross and odd. We are trying to ignore it (masking our disgust when he licks the concrete) and hoping this disappears. :-)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Planes, trains, and automobiles
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Maddox VS. the CLAW
So, now that he won this lovely toy that looks as though it will only last a day, he decided to hug it, kiss it, and name it Bobby. That's right, this thing is the closest we have come to him having a lovey... it has a name!! If you ask where Bobby is, he will sign car since that is where he stays (my attempt to make him last as long as possible). So, if you ever need a crane operator, just give my toddler a call!!
Maddox 1
Claw 0
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Maddox's interpretation
The next day we went to Don Pablos for dinner. I looked at Maddox shoveling mexican rice in his mouth and said "Is that yummy in your tummy?" He immediately took a handful of rice and lifted his shirt and proceeded to try to put the rice IN his tummy.
I am sure this new phase of development will lead to many interesting, confusing, and hilarious moments as mommy puts her foot in her mouth... oops, better watch what I say!!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Words are flowing
He has added turtle, clean, trailer, and banana to his signs too!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Christmas in July... and August
Monday, July 28, 2008
Snips and puppy dog tails
Maddox had his tongue snipped last week for his tongue-tie. It really wasn't that big of a deal once it was all over, but it was hard to go through. They put him under concious sedation and we had to watch him during that. It was very disturbing to watch him be drugged like that. I never want to see him in that condition again. He was a total trooper though. He healed quickly and was asking for salty crackers the next day! We have seen him extend his tongue a bit further than before, so we are hopeful that it will provide some amount of improvement for his speech and future.
This past weekend we went out on Mom's boat and Maddox swam in the lake! He did so well. The water was a bit cold for him... he is used to 90 degree water at swim class. Then on Sunday we went to a friend's house that has a heated pool. Maddox was loving it and spent the entire time swimming around by himself in his life jacket (I was within arms reach of course). He also climbed up on the diving board all by himself and JUMPED!!! Yes, at 2 years old, our little guy is jumping off of diving boards!! It was amazing! Who knows, maybe Aaron and I have a future of sitting in pool areas watching a diver or competitive swimmer one day!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Signs, signs, everywhere are signs
Tonight we were eating dessert. Maddox and Aaron shared a biscotti and I had some ice cream. Maddox insisted that I share with him, so I did of course. About 2/3 of the way through, he signed "all done". I say "Maddox, you are all done with ice cream?" He shakes his head no and points matter-of-factly at me. Apparently, I was all done and the rest was for him! :-)
One other cute moment... Maddox started associating anything from Disney's Cars movie with boo-boos after seeing the movie and the scene where they wreck. Well, tonight we were playing with his shake-em cars that you shake to make them drive. These ones have the hoods and the doors that open when they wreck. When that happened, Maddox signed boo-boo and went up to kiss the car. I think, if he was able to, he would bestow kisses on every peice of Cars merchandise too!
Here is a list of the signs that Maddox knows and uses now:
More, eat, drink, sleepy, bed, home, fish, bird, dog, kitty, horse, share, boo-boo, thirsty, hungry, cheese, cookie, ice cream, cracker, nurse, play, read, book, please, thank you, sorry, in, out, time, baby, car, bike, train, rabbit, plane, dirty, grass, ball, potty, boat, surprise, brush teeth, all done, help, mine, shoes, socks, apple, candy
Here is a list of the words he is saying:
Daddy, doggy, mommy, bite, bike, num num (nurse), bye-bye, hi, mine, ducky
Monday, July 7, 2008
Mommy... you moron
Over time, Maddox has begun going to bed later and later. I am sure that this is because Aaron and I are night owls, Aaron works a lot, and we are often busy until late with swimming or gymboree etc. Maddox finally hit the point where he wasn't going to bed until 10:30 or so.
The chaos level in the house had started hitting an unmanageable pace recently. If felt like Maddox hit the terrible twos with a vengence and we were in for a crazy ride. Every night at 7:30 he would turn into the tazmanian devil. He would run around crazily, scream, laugh, cry. He would go from happy and content to angry and frustrated and back. We couldn't figure it out. Finally we thought to ourselves, maybe he needs to go to bed early tonight. So, at 8:30 we shipped him off to bed. To our astonishment, he didn't take too long to fall asleep. We had thought that he would be up fighting it for hours. And he stayed asleep... and he was pleasant the next day!! So... he is still two, there is no doubt about it, but he is a lot less "devil" in the evenings and a lot more enjoyable. We don't claim to always be the smartest folks around... or the fastest.
Maddox speaks!
On top of these wonderful developments, Maddox seems to be cutting those 2 year old molars. Yesterday, he pointed to his cheek and signed "hurt". I was so proud of him for figuring out how to share that he was in pain! And when I told him I was sorry, he signed sorry and then thank you. I can't wait to see what his little mind has to say. I know that I won't always like what comes out of that cute little mouth, but I still can't wait to hear it.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Maddox is 2

Monday, May 26, 2008
Macaroni and WHEEE's


Thursday, May 1, 2008
Growing so fast
Sunday, April 27, 2008
It's not easy being me
"Mommy, Daddy... I have had a most difficult day. I could really use a little ride around the neighborhood. I am very tired and need some "me" time. Could you please hop on your bike and I will sit back here and put my feet up and take a little breather? Thanks, I really do appreciate it. Now, let's get going!"
Maybe it is the wind in his hair and toes, or the "extreme" biking daddy does with him on occassion, but whatever it is, we are happy to be out of the house and on the move with a very happy Maddox.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Maddox Gold, that's spelled E-V-E-L K-N-I-E-V-E-L
Ever since, he has been determined to outdo, outrun, outclimb, and outmanuever everyone and everything. He rolled over on his own at 5 weeks!
Well, as he toddled his way through this second year, there has been no shortage of moments of pure fear for Aaron and I. There was the time he climbed on the table behind the couch and stood there 3 feet in the air... at 14 months old!! The tumble down the stairs because he refused to let daddy leave him behind. Oh, the barrel roll on the Rocket Rider (though I totally blame that one on Aaron). He has fallen off the back of the couch, into table legs, off the tub, off the bed, down the stairs, off the porch... you name it, he has been there, face first.
The most recent event tops them all though. He is a true daredevil and loves the adrenaline rush... (a very slow heart attack starts now for me and doesn't end until he is about 40...) We were at a new park with our play group and there was a very tall, steep slide. Of course, he wanted to try it out. He climbed all the way up and down he went. It was so steep that, towards the bottom, he would come away from it a bit and slam somewhat at the bottom. HE LOVED IT! He did it about 5-6 times before he grew bored. Later, as we were leaving, he asked to go again. So, up he went. Once at the top, he put his hands out in his "Catch Me" stance. I quickly told him "NO you have to sit on your bottom" but it was too late. He fell face first down the slide and I had to catch him halfway. My heart was out of my chest!! But not a single tear from him! I couldn't believe it. We noticed later that he had a "war wound"- a large scrape on his elbow.
I can't let myself think of the awful crazy things he is going to get himself into in the future... it is just too terrifying. Do you think I would be frowned upon if I sent him to preschool with pillows duct taped to him?
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Maddox's Creativity Flourishes
Recently, his creativity has been showing in his attire. A while ago he insisted on only leaving the house if he could be dressed as a pirate. And yesterday he paired his spiderman wristband with his toolbelt-turned-headband. This is all of course when we can get him to keep his clothes on at all!